Friday, June 13, 2008

My first kiss…..

How can one feel a feeling, when a person is actually numb……..

First things in life are always memorable…
The first breath you take when you are born….
The first smile of a mother after she feels the first pulse of her child….
The first letter you utter…..
The first word you speak…
The first step you take….
The first tear you shed…
The first achievement you make….
The first failure you succumb…
The first compliment you get….
The first flower you get….
The first crush you have…..
And ……..
The first love …….
The first kiss……..

Can you pen it down.....?
Perhaps no,
My first love, unexpected … enigmatic… but my most treasured possession…..
And so is my “first kiss”
Don’t know but fingers have stopped writing, as I think I have started missing him…
Missing the moment…. A moment when the world stopped,
When the life stopped its rhythm…..
When my heart lost its beat…
Soul lost its sense of being…..
Eyes had his sight,
Breath had his fragrance,
And lips had his warmth,

My eyes were closed but yet I could see the world…
My world which slowly slowly had reduced to him….
Or oops to thy “kiss”

Although bad at it, I felt the most beautiful feeling,
A feeling of being his, a feeling of being in ‘love’

I think the silence said volumes, which our words also never could explain….

A silence which I think I’ll always long for,

As distance makes me far from him, but this gift of silence which he gave me…
Makes me live that moment, live my life …. With every passing second of the day……

muah.... hope i made you all refresh your memories...
now, wish i have mine toooo........

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


an immortal part of everyone's life.. ma, mom, mother, ammi.

as said if there is God on earth then he has disguised himself in the form of her.

we call our very own mother land - BHARAT MA , for bearing so much of pain yet smilingly bestowing its children with love. from the ancient mythological days we have seen her as an goddess, a selfless protagonist! playing all her parts without thinking about herself even for a wink.

in the modern times, we saw the concept of "sati" again showing her fore bearance of being "thy mortal."

but as this "mothers day" went by this thought stuck me....

dont treat her as someone great but just treat her as an human who is capable of making mistakes, who is bound to have flaws but yet her love is unconditional for everyone... "ma tughe salaam"