Saturday, July 19, 2008


WELL, finally the third sem has begun and we have become seniors ufff….
There is a new fragrance , a new aura in the air.
After a long break everyone’s back with a bang!
Oh! God I really missed every single soul… everyone’s back after their exuberant two and a half months!
Everyone’s a different individual and so I missed their small, yet striking gestures! All the things we did. (Visiting police stations too)
We are an amalgamation of thousands of activities from theatre to dance to debates all in one batch!
Or rather a batch of BRATS! Right Sir?

There is someone who is missing?????
yes ji

A SIR ….

Hmmm ….. he is actually a sir, a teacher, a guiding light, a mentor, a support system, but above all the BESTEST BUDDY!

This is our “Faisal sir”
The only sad plight is that he is not teaching us this year… L
And we never got the opportunity to thank him and show our gratitude towards him!
In the hustle bustle of the tiring college life, sir used to bring a zest in the mundane routine, or I should say his 24*7 sparkling smile.
IT classes were fun filled learning but more than that the support he provided to each one of us….
Anyone can jump up to him with anything , any problem and with all compassion he makes your strive actually vanish.
Failure or successes, it’s so easy to share with him, he will be your greatest support when you succumb to a failure and the most happy for your achievement,
According to an old saying, a mother can feel every pulse and beat of her child…
I would say sir used to feel every pulse and beat of us..
After just coming from a cocoon and shelter of school life, feels too “big” in college but it was only Faisal Sir who pampered us and yes real sense, spoon fed us.
He was there for every thing we faced, the lectures by Kamayani Mam or be it the laughing riot session of Danish Sir, which are just a few to mention!

Although this year God has been a liltle harsh on us , or else we are not fortunate enough to get you as our Prof…..
But still whatever time we had it would the most memorable phase and period of our lives, and we will treasure it forever, and most importantly you reside in each one of us , we might not share things with each other but can burst our hearts in front of you!be it advice, or help or grief or just to feel happy “( sir’s patent he he) we will always bug you!
But deep inside our hearts ,,,,,………

One of your brats!!!!!
hope to get your comment on this one sir?????? ;-)


CherishWomanhood said...
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parul said...

twamev mata ch pita twamev
twamev bandhu ch sakha twamev
twamev vidhya ch dravinam twamev
twamev sarvam...
mamdev dev............

arpitpandya said...

not many in 2days world turnback to their teacher who might have helped them to hold even a pencil...hats off to this student

these quotes will express my feeling somehow

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."

Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Txes M&A Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe

Rozita Singh said...

i will surely miss those button eyes and permanent smile lolz....
nd that leg pulling nd laughter.
Nd Ms.Peggy nd me passing comments in his class.......
Nd that laptop with his CV,the frst thng that opens up in a window... ;)
Nd that spiral bound IT notes...gosh...
Those times wen v were giving presentations(made us felt like IT professionals hehe....)
And all that MASTI and FUN
Im still very grateful to him for introducing us to, 2 very spcl individuals-Kamayani mam nd Danish Sir........ :)
Wish him luck fr all his future endeavours....

faisal said...

I read .. n read ... n again read what u have written parul .... n i am not only speechless but chocked ... cant see anything as these tears are not ready to stop... will come back again in a while to comment ... right now just too moved n touched to say anything ....

undiscovered61 said...

Parul i had tears rolling down... Wat u have written is not just an expression of ur pent up emotions but i guess all of us, srely my feeling.. Sir has not just been a teacher but someone who hs helped us evolve into better human beings by inspiring us to be as loving, caring nd ever so bubbling with happiness nd love to share with everyone.. Someone who not only made our 2nd semester the most treaured period of collge.. but someone whose made our lives much more prcious nd treasured by just being a truly valuble part of it... I can go on nd on... Bt i dont understand y are v all getting soo senti.. Abhi toh there are several moments v all are going to share togethr with sir nd freak out with him!! Tho vl miss him in colg but dnt worry AAPKE BACHHE AAPKA PEECHA ITNI JALDI NAHIN CHODENGE!!! :P hehe

khulja sim sim said...

yaar for the first time u hav left me absolutely speechless..u hav truly carried forward the guru shishya parampara..i might sound cheesy but it's true..this hs made me realise a lot f i really wanna thank sir fr being there with all of us..

Comfortably Numb said...

Naice. But its kindaa sad that I haven't felt this way about any of the professors in my college. Even I will start my classes for the third sem in a few days. I had quite a few lovely teachers in school but sadly none in college :P
